cooperation, good partnership, enterprise, success, effort
carelessness, arrogance, pride, disappointment
Visual Description of the Three of Wands:
A man dressed in red and green stands on a hill between three wands. He’s looking out over the water at his three ships as they sail off into the world. He has decided to move forward with his idea of expansion and has left his castle in the Two of Wands behind. And, while he has a great vantage point from his hilltop, there are still obstacles that must be faced, represented by the mountains surrounding the water. But he is hopeful and sure that he has made the right decision even if he has to work hard to achieve success.
Divinatory Meaning of the Three of Wands:
Upright Meaning of the Three of Wands Tarot Card:
The Three of Wands in upright position shows that the querent has made plans and they are busy executing them. They are motivated and ready to expand on their current project. As can be seen in the Three of Wands the man himself is not going on the voyage. This suggests that the querent will be broadening their horizons with the help of others.
“Your plans are going well. You’ve reached a point where it’s time to start enlisting the help of others. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be doing any less. In fact this card suggests that you’ll be even busier than before to manifest your ideas. You will however have the cooperation of a team at hand. Perhaps joining up with a partner to split the workload will be a good idea at this time.
Success is on the cards if you maintain a good work ethic and you don’t undermine those you are working with. By broadening your horizons you will expand your potential and gain even more. But with more gain comes more obstacles and that is where your efforts should be focused.”
While the querent is heading into a period of success they must remain grounded in order to deal with the obstacles that will come along with the new horizons they are facing. With new territory comes new obstacles and they should be prepared for this. While this card indicates cooperation it doesn’t mean that operations will always run smoothly and the querent should provide for the fact that things will have to change moving forward.
Reversed Meaning of the Three of Wands Tarot Card:
The querent is not achieving the success they have hoped for. In the reversed position the Three of Wands suggests that the querent was arrogant when setting out to achieve their goals. They believed themselves more capable than they truly are and as a result they have not achieved what they set out to do.
“You thought the world was your oyster and set forth full of determination, bt the world proved you wrong and now you’re afraid to continue. You want to go back to your safe zone, but you can’t. You were careless in your decisions, thinking that everything would work out for the best and now you find yourself in a predicament.
It’s time for you to take a step back and ask others for help. Put your pride in your pocket and get some expert advice before you proceed. Go back to the drawing board and learn from this mistake. It’s the only way to assure future success.”
The querent may be in the beginning stages of the situation this card suggests and may not relate to it yet. This will therefore serve as a warning and they are urged to seek the advice and help for others with any projects they are currently undertaking. Failure to do so will lead to disappointment.