Yes No Tarot is a simple and effective way to get quick answers to some of your most pressing questions. Have you ever wondered whether going away for the weekend is a good idea?
It gives you an answer with a simple reason. It’s also a lot of fun, but at the same time, it’s a great way to get clear answers from the tarot deck, without the confusing open-ended conclusions that usually accompany a traditional reading.
It may seem like a great way to get some answers from the astrology weekly, but there are some things you should know about tarot card before you get started. So before you jump into love tarot readings I’ve compiled this Ultimate Guide so you get the Ultimate experience.
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Technically, you can ask any query, as long as you phrase it to have an answer. Online tarot readings are all about getting answers to your deepest and most urgent questions, wondering if you should go ahead and act upon your query or rather take a different course. But the key is in asking the right query to make sure you get the right answer.
Definitely! it’s better to keep your questions precise yet simple. Keep your questions to a single topic at a time, remember the response will only be a Yes or No with a short reason. Keep in mind that you can always do another reading for a different query, so don’t try to ask everything at once.
Sometimes your answer can be confusing, to avoid confusion make sure you phrase your questions in a way that isn’t ambiguous. For instance, don’t ask “Am I on the right track?” That’s a very broad query and your answer might relate to a specific area that either needs some work or is going well, while another area is the complete opposite.
For instance, in the example above, “Am I on the right track?” could refer to your career, your current job, your love life, your Spiritual journey… The list is almost endless. This is what I mean by making sure your questions are specific.
Rather ask, “Is my career moving in the right direction even though I hate my boss?” That will give you a definitive result. If the answer is “sure, everything is as it should be” you can relax a bit and learn as much as you can from this job.
But then the answer could also be “Never, but be patient…” which indicates that you will need to move on but something else needs to fall into place first. If the answer is “Nope, it’s not your doing, someone else is holding you back.” you know it’s time to move on.
But imagine you asked “Am I on the right track?” and got the answer “Nope, it’s not your doing, someone else is holding you back.” and you decide that it’s your romantic partner that’s holding you back instead of your boss… That wouldn’t end well, would it!
The card can tell you anything, as long as you ask the right query. If you’re struggling to make up your mind they can give you some much-needed insight into the situation. If you’re contemplating a life-altering decision do keep in mind that the deck is only a guide. They are a tool for divining the most possible outcome, but a lot of factors come into play over time.
So, if your query is “Should I invest all my savings in one short term stock?”, that’s a pretty huge decision! there couldn’t be a better time for it.” but then you end up waiting for your next paycheck before investing… And by that time the stock market has changed and you’ll end up losing half your savings instead of doubling them… And short term stock investments are always a gamble. Sometimes it’s better to think twice even if the deck says.
That being said, here’s a list of questions and whether they can answer them for you, and how well…
Why did they leave in the first place? While “Will they come back?” is a very good query you might want to rethink even asking this one. There must be a reason they left, and unless one of you has made some profound and lasting changes, they will probably just end up leaving again
This is a very good query to ask when you’re doing a reading, but make sure you don’t make the query too broad. A lot of the time the tarot daily reading will give you an answer, then you think this is it, you’re going to marry this person and live happily ever after so you don’t have to worry and then a year down the line you break up and you think tarot readings are a bunch of hogwash… Relationships take work and sometimes they are there to teach us something important. So they might be perfect for you for now, but you’re destined to end up marrying someone else.
Asking this query can be very fun! Especially if you get a and then tie a Court Card to see who this stranger might be. Keep an open mind when asking the Tarot whether you’ll meet someone, or be specific about your intentions around the someone you want to be meeting. Will it be a karmic love relationship or a fun-filled flying…? So phrase your query in a specific way could mean, you’ve never met the shop assistant that’s going to show you where they keep the detergent you’ll be looking for the next time you go shopping…” So make the query specific to what you’re looking for, for example, “Will I meet someone who will take care of me emotionally at a social gathering with friends next month?” If the answer is “Nope” maybe change the location or the intention, or both.
This isn’t a very wise query to ask in a. Happiness is an inside job and depends on your actions and integrity more than external factors. It won’t help to ask the card whether you’ll be happy if you don’t work on gaining the wisdom to be happy in any circumstance. If you want happiness rather start working on acting in ways that will make you happy rather than expecting some fleeting moment of joy that won’t last or make a big difference in the bigger scheme of things. Happiness has nothing to do with luck or events, it has to do with how you handle the situations life throws at you. Rather ask something like, “Am I going to find the wisdom of lasting happiness by…”
Illness manifests when an emotional problem isn’t solved. It’s your Soul’s way of telling you that it is uncomfortable. That’s why they call it dis-ease. A better query to ask would be something like, “Would making up with my mother that I haven’t spoken to in three years improve my emotional and physical health regarding the backache I’m struggling with at the moment?” It might seem like a long-winded query, but this way you’ll know what the card is referring to when you get your answer. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas of what to improve think about where your disease is manifesting and how it’s making you feel. Now, what else in your emotional world makes you feel a similar way. This is a great skill to learn to improve your general health, so have fun with it.
Do you really think the tarot card is magically going to manifest more money in your bank account? Unfortunately, Tarot card meanings can only show you what changes you can make to improve your financial status, but this will require some work from your side too. It can’t magically manifest more money in your bank account, but it’s more than capable of helping you figure out how you can! So, rather rethink this query entirely and come up with things that are standing in your way to manifesting more cash. Then formulate a couple of solutions that might swing the situation around and ask whether they are good ideas. For example “If I save on groceries and utilities will I be able to afford a better car in the next year?” Be realistic when you’re asking questions about your financial well-being and know that whatever you end up doing you’ll have to put in something to get something out.
Your luck changes with your mindset. That’s the law of attraction. So be careful when you ask, because you could get a “Nope” which will make you even less likely to change your circumstances. That being said, it’s also a good idea to be specific. What area do you want your luck to change in? What would you like the results to be? Then formulate a query that is specific to yourself. For example, you could ask “Will my luck in my career change if I change my wardrobe?” This might seem like a silly query at first, but if you work with people a lot you may give a better impression if you dress formally as opposed to dressing more casual. It might also give you the confidence boost you need to make that next big sale.
You can ask the query, but remember it’s also a way of taking a chance already. Following the advice from the reading blindly is a big gamble, especially if it’s regarding something serious such as your finances or health. Think about your results and remember that it’s just advice it isn’t set in stone. It’s the Universe’s way of letting you know what your subconscious is telling you. It’s a way of tapping into your deeper psyche and figuring out what it is that you really want. So, if the answer is “sure” proceed with awareness and caution, don’t just jump into something you know nothing about just because the tarot said, the Universe is behind you 100%”.
You can technically speaking, ask any query but the quality of your reading will greatly depend on the quality of your query. As I said before, be specific in the way you phrase your query. You can also ask more than once, so you could come up with more questions as you go along with the reading. The aim to get a definitive answer quickly, so it’s not a long-winded, open-ended explanation that keeps you wondering “well what does THAT mean?” With already have an intuitive idea about what the answer will be, this type of reading is just there to help you make up your mind by tapping into what you and the Universe wants for you. The key is to ask the right questions.
Here is where you learn how to formulate the best questions. It takes some practice, but the better you are at it the more will come to your aid when you’re struggling to make up your mind.
The first step is to figure out what you want to ask about. What is your most pressing concern at the moment? Is it about love, money, health, abundance, life..? Have you got your concern in mind? Now you need to make it questions that can be answered.
Let’s say I’m single and I want to avoid falling for the wrong type of person. I would want to know if that’s possible to start with, so “Can I avoid falling for the wrong type of person?” is a good place to start with when I’m building my query, because I either can, or I can’t.
Now it’s time to start getting more specific with the query. So I’m going to add a time frame to my query. Let’s say, “Can I avoid falling for the wrong type of person the next time I’m out?” This gives you more to work with when you get an answer. I’ll avoid potential relationship candidates as much as possible, because I know they won’t be right for me.
This is where you add a bit more detail to your query, so imagine I had friends that don’t share the same relationship goals as I do and when we go out together they always try and hook me up with the wrong type of person. So now I can add that; “If I go out with my friends next time, but I go for the guy I like instead of the one they suggest will I still end up with someone who isn’t right for me?”
See how the query evolved from a very broad one to a specific one in just a couple of simple steps? In this last step, it’s good to get as technical as you can regarding your concerns. My friends won’t like the fact that I don’t trust their judgment when it comes to my relationship choices, but I’ll get a clear answer about whether I’m just not ready to find someone or whether they’re steering me in the wrong direction.
If you ask questions in the right way can be extremely accurate. So you won’t have to decipher what the card means and be left wondering…
Make sure to ask equally direct questions though, because if you ask an open-ended query your results will be less definitive. Like I’ve said before asking something like, “Will my partner forgive me?” is too broad. It can give you an “affirmative, but be patient.” response from the Tarot, but then your partner doesn’t forgive you for breaking their favorite mug, but they do forgive you for burning dinner… Rather ask “Will my partner forgive me for breaking their favorite mug when I was angry at them?” This will give you a much clearer answer.
It works well once you get the hang of it and it is one of the easiest ways to get answers from the Tarot. In the beginning, you might struggle to formulate the right questions, but once you get into the groove there is nothing that can stop you from asking just about anything. And most importantly, getting the answers you are seeking.
If you’re dubious about how accurate card reading will be for you why not do a little test at home. A commenter on a renowned Tarot site suggested this and I think it’s a pretty good idea. So, take a deck of cards (they can be normal playing cards if they pick a color to represent the others) shuffle them while concentrating on a query you know the answer to. For example “Do I like ice-cream..?” then pick a card, if it comes out showing the right answer, you know you can trust.
This might work better for people who already do Tarot Readings for themselves. Other people have reported great accuracy when readings tarot such as one lady who was contemplating going on a holiday. She drew the Seven of Pentacles, then she realized that she’d started a new business project a couple of months earlier and putting it on hold would ruin her chances of making it a major success. So she put off her trip until her project was going strong and probably saved herself a lot of trouble by doing so!
So, work to help you figure out some simple yet effective answers when you just can’t figure out the solution for yourself.
If you want to do this type of card for yourself follow the guide below. It gives you step by step instructions on how to do the reading and interpret the results. It even includes a list of what each of the card.
As with any tarot reading requires you to set the intention, shuffle the card, ask the query (or the querent needs to ask their query) and then tie the appropriate number of card depending on the spread you have chosen.
Before you start shuffling take out the Court Card (Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages) and place them next to the main deck. You’ll use them once the main reading is done.
Once you’ve done your main reading tie a Court Card to see who is involved in your reading. It might be someone you’ll meet, someone who’ll help you, someone who’s undermining you or holding you back… That will depend on your query, circumstances and the answers they gave you.
You can use a traditional tarot card or normal playing card. In the case of normal playing cards, your selection of answers will be slightly limited as there are fewer cards, but you’ll still be able to get the answer to the query you’re wondering about.
This is the simplest of the Celtic cross spreads and requires that you tie a single card. It will give you a simple answer. This is a great spread to answer a simple query quickly. Once you’ve interpreted the results you can tie a second card from the pile of Court-Card to see who else is involved.
This Spread works the same as the One Card Tie, but instead of drawing only one card you tie three-card. Keep the same query in mind as you tie all three-card. Place them next to each other and see how many of them show..Whichever is two is your answer. So if you got two-card and one card your answer is correct. This Spread does give you more insight into what might be standing in your way or what to look out for or even what to do to get the result. It gives you more insight than a single card reading, but it’s still a pretty definite result. This Spread works the same as the One Card Tie, but instead of drawing only one card you tie three-card. Keep the same query in mind as you tie all three-card. Place them next to each other and see how many of them. Whichever is two is your answer. This Spread does give you more insight into what might be standing in your way or what to look out for or even what to do to get the result. It gives you more insight than a single card reading, but it’s still a pretty definite result.
This is one of the most complicated spreads I’ve come across, but if you want to try it go ahead. Before you start shuffling pull out the Wheel of Fortune card and place it in front of you facing down. Shuffle the remaining app cards and draw 7 additional cards, placing them, face down, on top of the Wheel of Fortune.
Put down the deck and take the 8-card in front of you. Shuffle them until you feel ready to do the reading.
Mark 4 areas in front of you. Assign each one of the following:
Place two cards in each area.
Turn over the cards. The area that the Wheel of Fortune is in is the answer to your question. The card next to the Wheel of Fortune tells you more about the reason for the answer, while the other six-card tell you more about the situation in general.
Now it’s time to figure out if you got an “affirmative” or “Nope” from your Reading.
That will depend on which card you pick. Each card has a different answer and there is a detailed list below. If a card is in an upright position follow the guide below to find the meaning. If the card is in reverse the answer is automatically. If you want to know why look up the card below and find the meaning, then “reverse” the meaning if it’s a positive meaning.
The Fool in upright position means the Universe is behind you 100%.
The Fool reversed means the Universe doesn’t support you at all.
High Priestess means it isn’t the right time whether she’s upright or in reverse.
These represent people that are involved in the query. Who they are and whether they play a positive or negative role will depend on your love tarot reading and the people in your life. Here is a list of the most characteristic trait of each of the Court-Card:
When you’re using playing card you can do it one of two ways:
It’s a very easy and precise way to get a clear answer from the Universe. You’ll know exactly where you stand, without any of the open-ended answers that keep you wondering whether it is a Yeah or a Nope.
The only thing you would need to do is practice your skills at asking the right type of questions, but with this comprehensive guide, you’ll be on your way to asking exactly the right questions in time. So go ahead and have fun with this simple yet effective way of using Tarot Prophet’s daily tarot to answer some of your most burning questions.