UPRIGHT strength, good health, obstinacy, patience REVERSED weakness, ill-health, adversity, obstacles Visual Description of the Nine of Wands: A battered…
UPRIGHT pain, ruin, failure all as a result of oppression REVERSED cleverness, contradictions, mystery Visual Description of the Ten of…
UPRIGHT enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit, a faithful lover REVERSED setbacks to new ideas, pessimism, indecision Visual Description of the…
UPRIGHT generous, journey, friendly person REVERSED suspicion, jealousy, narrow-mindedness, a break-up Visual Description of the Knight of Wands: Atop a…
UPRIGHT a loving, friendly, honorable person; fondness of money REVERSED jealous, vengeful, infidelity, opposition Visual Description of the Queen of…
UPRIGHT honest and conscientious married person with a friendly demeanor REVERSED unyielding but tolerant, severe but good Visual Description of…
UPRIGHT dissatisfaction, kindness, reevaluation, redemption REVERSED new goals, ambitions, beginning Visual Description of the Four of Cups: In this card…
UPRIGHT conclusion, fortune, hospitality, happiness, healing REVERSED hidden, overindulgence, pain, gossip, ending Visual Description of the Three of Cups: Three…
UPRIGHT romance, friendship, passion, cooperation, affinity REVERSED violent passion, false friendship, misunderstanding Visual Description of the Two of Cups: There…
UPRIGHT “your cup runneth over”, good health, love, joy, beauty, purity REVERSED deceit, selfishness, instability Visual Description of the Ace…